Statistics & Research about Mount Carmel,IL - William Eaton & Associates Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Mount Carmel,IL an area served by William Eaton & Associates Inc

400 Chestnut St
Mount Carmel,IL
Phone : (618) 263-3131

Real estate research for area nearby William Eaton & Associates Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Gray 52,500 474 10.8
Mackey 80,000 525 7.9
Parkers Settlement 119500 NA NA
Olney 77,100 570 8.9
Bethel 63300 NA NA
Scott 179,800 1033 6.9
Golden Gate 56300 NA NA
Knox County 84,200 583 8.3
Vincennes 84,500 591 8.4
Albion No. 2 66,800 385 6.9

Number of whites in places near by William Eaton & Associates Inc

Place name Number of whites
Gray 1094
Mackey 138
Parkers Settlement 727
Olney 9915
Bethel 409
Scott 8017
Golden Gate 75
Knox County 36318
Vincennes 22012
Albion No. 2 680
Armstrong 2139
Sumner 1803
Johnson 4037
Albion No. 3 671
Lukin 382

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by William Eaton & Associates Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Gray 46
Mackey 6
Parkers Settlement 34
Olney 519
Scott 30
Golden Gate 8
Knox County 1913
Vincennes 1435
Albion No. 2 37
Armstrong 10
Sumner 42
Johnson 53
Albion No. 3 43

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by William Eaton & Associates Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Gray 21
Mackey 2
Parkers Settlement 25
Olney 547
Bethel 30
Scott 839
Knox County 1822
Vincennes 1053
Albion No. 2 28
Armstrong 141
Sumner 38
Johnson 328
Albion No. 3 19
Lukin 19

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by William Eaton & Associates Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Olney 122
Scott 118
Knox County 300
Vincennes 187
Albion No. 2 9
Armstrong 3
Sumner 9
Johnson 46
Albion No. 3 5