Statistics & Research about Pana,IL - The Cayemitte Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Pana,IL an area served by The Cayemitte Group Inc

28 E 2Nd St
Phone : (217) 703-4112

Real estate research for area nearby The Cayemitte Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cotton Hill 167400 NA NA
Oconee 96,100 715 8.9
Blue Mound 77,600 658 10.2
Avena 67,100 502 9.0
Stewardson 82,500 690 10.0
Jeisyville 67,900 833 14.7
Shafter 121100 NA NA
Bethany 75,800 567 9.0
Morrisonville 75,900 700 11.1
Tower Hill 66,500 632 11.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by The Cayemitte Group Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Cotton Hill 25
Oconee 52
Blue Mound 220
Avena 362
Stewardson 109
Jeisyville 23
Bethany 181
Morrisonville 106
Tower Hill 286
Coalton 61
South Macon 216
Owaneco 16
Prairieton 12
Rountree 14

Number of vacant houses in places near by The Cayemitte Group Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Cotton Hill 52
Oconee 44
Blue Mound 47
Avena 103
Stewardson 26
Jeisyville 5
Shafter 63
Bethany 40
Morrisonville 36
Tower Hill 213
Coalton 6
South Macon 88
Owaneco 4
Prairieton 6
Rountree 14

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by The Cayemitte Group Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Oconee 56700
Blue Mound 82700
Avena 69500
Stewardson 98000
Shafter 108500
Bethany 79000
Morrisonville 78300
Tower Hill 37500
South Macon 78300