Statistics & Research about Taylorville,IL - Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Taylorville,IL an area served by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

120 N MAIN
Phone : 217-824-6911

Real estate research for area nearby Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Southern View 84,700 816 11.6
Farmersville 87,000 823 11.4
Leland Grove 218,300 645 3.5
Williamsville 147,700 644 5.2
Morrisonville 75,900 700 11.1
Auburn 107,500 631 7.0
Mechanicsburg 92,600 525 6.8
Rountree 122800 NA NA
Tower Hill 66,500 632 11.4
Illini 108,000 528 5.9

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Farmersville 118800
Leland Grove 467900
Williamsville 208800
Auburn 207900
Mechanicsburg 253800
Tower Hill 41700
Illini 205000
Decatur 165300
Jerome 150000
Woodside 89400
Macon County 235400

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Farmersville 103100
Leland Grove 256300
Williamsville 146900
Morrisonville 110600
Auburn 91600
Mechanicsburg 91700
Tower Hill 62200
Illini 119600
Decatur 123300
Mosquito 49500
Jerome 187500
Woodside 80000
Macon County 133900

Number of blacks in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Southern View 36
Leland Grove 75
Mechanicsburg 11
Illini 18
Decatur 17336
Jerome 40
Woodside 883
Macon County 17612

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Farmersville 117900
Leland Grove 340000
Williamsville 187500
Morrisonville 85000
Auburn 155600
Mechanicsburg 143200
Tower Hill 65000
Illini 222200
Decatur 128400
Mosquito 67000
Woodside 18300
Macon County 172300