Statistics & Research about Hillsboro,IL - Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Hillsboro,IL an area served by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 217-532-5850

Car dealers nearby Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Roger Jennings, Inc

1617 Vandalia Road Hillsboro,IL 62049
Phone: (866) 561-0530

Real estate research for area nearby Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pocahontas 77,000 813 12.7
Polk 155800 NA NA
Morrisonville 75,900 700 11.1
East Fork 78,200 625 9.6
Nilwood 70,000 929 15.9
Central 105,300 658 7.5
Mount Clare 76,400 725 11.4
Ricks 81,600 682 10.0
Alhambra 158,500 622 4.7
Lagrange 204,700 643 3.8

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Morrisonville 78300
East Fork 72500
Nilwood 37500
Central 104900
Mount Clare 116100
Ricks 78300
Alhambra 108900
Lagrange 118200
Bear Creek 75000
Greenville 100500
South Fork 80400
Fillmore 38100
King 120800

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Pocahontas 175
Polk 128
Morrisonville 232
East Fork 468
Nilwood 120
Central 1348
Mount Clare 50
Ricks 303
Alhambra 383
Lagrange 216
Bear Creek 119
Greenville 1114
South Fork 560
Fillmore 75
King 105

Number of blacks in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
East Fork 1339
Central 334
Lagrange 18
Greenville 295
South Fork 5
Fillmore 1
King 5

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Prairie State Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Pocahontas 6
Polk 51
Morrisonville 53
East Fork 63
Nilwood 36
Central 395
Mount Clare 10
Ricks 67
Alhambra 72
Lagrange 95
Bear Creek 23
Greenville 270
South Fork 77
Fillmore 57
King 13