Statistics & Research about Smithton,IL - Nowak Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Smithton,IL an area served by Nowak Insurance

Phone : 618-236-1500

Real estate research for area nearby Nowak Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Vinita Terrace 92500 NA NA
Shiloh 207,100 891 5.2
Calverton Park 85,400 866 12.2
OFallon 199,900 1022 6.1
Beverly Hills 66,800 935 16.8
Breese 138,400 721 6.3
Greendale 98,900 1039 12.6
Richmond Heights 252,500 846 4.0
Bellefontaine Neighbors 87,000 1015 14
Engelmann 203800 NA NA

Number of old houses in places near by Nowak Insurance

Place name Number of old houses
Vinita Terrace 88300
Shiloh 89100
Calverton Park 122700
OFallon 119600
Beverly Hills 67900
Breese 110800
Greendale 104200
Richmond Heights 247600
Bellefontaine Neighbors 108300
Engelmann 175000
Millstadt 156900
Sycamore Hills 104200
New Baden 94900
Imperial 153900
Marine 110700

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Nowak Insurance

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Shiloh 244400
OFallon 257800
Breese 156800
Richmond Heights 451700
Millstadt 243900
New Baden 212300
Imperial 223100
Marine 254100

Number of new houses in places near by Nowak Insurance

Place name Number of new houses
Shiloh 236800
OFallon 316100
Imperial 215000

Number of blacks in places near by Nowak Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Vinita Terrace 158
Shiloh 2487
Calverton Park 421
OFallon 4485
Beverly Hills 350
Breese 8
Greendale 413
Richmond Heights 998
Bellefontaine Neighbors 7707
Millstadt 17
Sycamore Hills 67
New Baden 210
Imperial 195