Statistics & Research about Alton,IL - Norton & Rain Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Alton,IL an area served by Norton & Rain Inc

2216 State St

Real estate research for area nearby Norton & Rain Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Bellefontaine Neighbors 87,000 1015 14
Polk 155800 NA NA
University City 190,900 874 5.5
St. Peters 170,500 813 5.7
Lewis and Clark 131,800 946 8.6
Eagarville 92000 NA NA
Missouri River 420,100 1017 2.9
Hillyard 49,500 656 15.9
Marine 169,600 784 5.5
Bonhomme 240,300 940 4.7

Number of whites in places near by Norton & Rain Inc

Place name Number of whites
Bellefontaine Neighbors 2784
Polk 639
University City 18681
St. Peters 49125
Lewis and Clark 23099
Eagarville 61
Missouri River 30819
Hillyard 342
Marine 2511
Bonhomme 33218
Granite City 27136
Saline 5941
Godfrey 17058
Norwood 4331
Hamel 2395

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Norton & Rain Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Bellefontaine Neighbors 116
Polk 8
University City 2418
St. Peters 1261
Lewis and Clark 397
Eagarville 3
Missouri River 222
Hillyard 47
Marine 37
Bonhomme 1019
Granite City 1589
Saline 172
Godfrey 346
Norwood 2188
Hamel 50

Number of new houses in places near by Norton & Rain Inc

Place name Number of new houses
St. Peters 259800
Missouri River 1000001
Godfrey 300000

Number of blacks in places near by Norton & Rain Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Bellefontaine Neighbors 7707
University City 13620
St. Peters 1730
Lewis and Clark 12293
Missouri River 758
Hillyard 154
Bonhomme 1407
Granite City 1526
Saline 10
Godfrey 513
Norwood 28532
Hamel 64