Statistics & Research about Bethalto,IL - Norton & Rain Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Bethalto,IL an area served by Norton & Rain Inc

Phone : 888-249-0035

Real estate research for area nearby Norton & Rain Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Venice 52,300 692 15.9
Grantfork 113,900 1083 11.4
Alton 85,000 694 9.8
Litchfield 78,500 616 9.4
Oakland 270,400 975 4.3
Ladue 725,700 2001 3.3
Overland 99,300 787 9.5
Brentwood 180,800 1075 7.1
East Alton 74,400 648 10.5
Black Jack 142,900 813 6.8

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Norton & Rain Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Venice 455
Grantfork 3
Alton 1847
Litchfield 308
Oakland 24
Overland 324
Brentwood 636
East Alton 292
Black Jack 152
Lewis and Clark 397
Airport 3045
Pagedale 241
Maryville 191
Wellston 199

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Norton & Rain Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Venice 25
Grantfork 4
Alton 346
Litchfield 70
Oakland 19
Ladue 708
Overland 77
Brentwood 125
East Alton 55
Black Jack 29
Lewis and Clark 539
Airport 151
Pagedale 51
Maryville 131
Wellston 23

Number of old houses in places near by Norton & Rain Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Venice 34000
Grantfork 107300
Alton 86800
Litchfield 68200
Oakland 236400
Ladue 946600
Overland 96500
Brentwood 167500
East Alton 65000
Black Jack 214700
Lewis and Clark 78200
Airport 90600
Pagedale 61900
Maryville 124100
Wellston 29100