Statistics & Research about Okawville,IL - Insurance Planning & Management Consultants

Here are some statistics & research about Okawville,IL an area served by Insurance Planning & Management Consultants

508 N Front St

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Planning & Management Consultants

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mascoutah 142,400 828 7.0
Beaucoup 79,000 790 12
Marine 169,600 784 5.5
Nashville 112,600 638 6.8
Sparta 81,900 672 9.8
Covington 121,600 580 5.7
Mills 223,500 682 3.7
Bolo 129200 NA NA
Irishtown 101,300 589 7.0
Breese 138,400 721 6.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Insurance Planning & Management Consultants

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Mascoutah 893
Beaucoup 100
Marine 168
Nashville 596
Sparta 830
Covington 33
Mills 33
Bolo 27
Irishtown 204
Breese 633
Scott AFB 283
Carlyle 444
Helvetia 886
Caseyville 3940

Number of vacant houses in places near by Insurance Planning & Management Consultants

Place name Number of vacant houses
Mascoutah 312
Beaucoup 74
Marine 42
Nashville 132
Sparta 323
Covington 11
Mills 34
Irishtown 198
Breese 222
Scott AFB 219
Carlyle 278
Helvetia 322
Caseyville 871

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Planning & Management Consultants

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Mascoutah 139200
Marine 146900
Nashville 134600
Sparta 71300
Covington 137500
Irishtown 68600
Breese 144800
Carlyle 121400
Helvetia 127300
Caseyville 102900

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Insurance Planning & Management Consultants

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Mascoutah 228
Beaucoup 19
Marine 37
Nashville 184
Sparta 310
Irishtown 77
Breese 180
Scott AFB 13
Carlyle 49
Helvetia 375
Caseyville 707