Statistics & Research about Swansea,IL - Hosto Financial Services

Here are some statistics & research about Swansea,IL an area served by Hosto Financial Services

Phone : 618-234-7145

Car dealers nearby Hosto Financial Services

Federico Preowned Center

4501 North Illinois Street Swansea, IL 62226
Phone: 1-888-480-9135

Real estate research for area nearby Hosto Financial Services

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Valley Park 177,400 919 6.2
Glasgow Village 62,400 961 18.5
Greendale 98,900 1039 12.6
Sunset Hills 357,600 1786 6.0
Richmond Heights 252,500 846 4.0
Bellefontaine Neighbors 87,000 1015 14
Highland 155,400 730 5.6
Santa Fe 157,200 508 3.9
Brentwood 180,800 1075 7.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Hosto Financial Services

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Valley Park 1061
Glasgow Village 372
Greendale 147
Sunset Hills 477
Richmond Heights 1515
Bellefontaine Neighbors 1685
Highland 1159
Santa Fe 95
Brentwood 2338
Madison 884
Belleville 7001
Fenton 162
Dupo 647
Black Jack 352

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Hosto Financial Services

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Valley Park 1154
Glasgow Village 1441
Greendale 127
Sunset Hills 1321
Richmond Heights 1233
Bellefontaine Neighbors 2061
Highland 1901
Santa Fe 281
Brentwood 1053
Madison 736
Belleville 7516
Fenton 694
Dupo 823
Black Jack 992

Number of new houses in places near by Hosto Financial Services

Place name Number of new houses
Belleville 304200

Number of blacks in places near by Hosto Financial Services

Place name Number of blacks
Valley Park 299
Glasgow Village 4410
Greendale 413
Sunset Hills 231
Richmond Heights 998
Bellefontaine Neighbors 7707
Highland 19
Santa Fe 39
Brentwood 391
Madison 1953
Belleville 10232
Fenton 80
Dupo 20
Black Jack 5545