Statistics & Research about Mattoon,IL - Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Mattoon,IL an area served by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 217-258-2962

Car dealers nearby Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Mattoon Motor Mall

Phone: (217) 663-8415

Real estate research for area nearby Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Grove 91,400 542 7.1
North Okaw 99100 NA NA
Ridge 58300 NA NA
Toledo 61,200 515 10.1
Hutton 142,500 597 5.0
Douglas 110,300 536 5.8
Westervelt 53300 NA NA
Dalton City 88,200 585 8.0
Rose Hill 34,400 395 13.8
Shumway 48,500 569 14.1

Number of old houses in places near by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Grove 67900
North Okaw 263500
Ridge 56600
Toledo 57900
Hutton 122900
Douglas 74000
Dalton City 75000
Rose Hill 32700
Shumway 67500
Gays 62000
Seven Hickory 59100
Redmon 53800
Martinsville 63400
Okaw 58100

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Grove 128
North Okaw 187
Ridge 70
Toledo 241
Hutton 171
Douglas 2605
Westervelt 12
Dalton City 105
Rose Hill 9
Shumway 35
Gays 63
Seven Hickory 101
Redmon 31
Martinsville 362
Okaw 292

Number of blacks in places near by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Toledo 25
Douglas 74
Martinsville 17

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Grove 32
North Okaw 26
Ridge 12
Toledo 25
Douglas 226
Dalton City 7
Gays 6
Seven Hickory 11
Redmon 1
Martinsville 14