Statistics & Research about New Athens,IL - Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about New Athens,IL an area served by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 618-475-3767

Real estate research for area nearby Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Covington 121,600 580 5.7
OFallon 199,900 1022 6.1
Randolph County 89,300 636 8.5
Valmeyer 173,500 1048 7.2
Centreville 64,300 752 14.0
Granite City 83,600 630 9.0
Percy 53,100 529 12.0
Clinton County 128,700 677 6.3
Nashville 112,600 638 6.8
Germantown 163,800 591 4.3

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
OFallon 774
Randolph County 1248
Valmeyer 31
Centreville 848
Granite City 1589
Percy 57
Clinton County 874
Nashville 184
Germantown 53
Nameoki 307
Tesson Ferry 2107
Millstadt 146
Walsh 9
Sparta 310

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Covington 157700
OFallon 257800
Randolph County 169700
Valmeyer 189700
Centreville 73700
Granite City 182700
Percy 28600
Clinton County 191100
Nashville 340300
Germantown 205400
Nameoki 193100
Tesson Ferry 290500
Millstadt 243900
Walsh 9999
Sparta 148600

Number of new houses in places near by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
OFallon 316100
Randolph County 262500
Clinton County 154500

Number of blacks in places near by Greater Midstates Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
OFallon 4485
Randolph County 3243
Valmeyer 2
Centreville 17959
Granite City 1526
Clinton County 1309
Nashville 26
Germantown 3
Nameoki 798
Tesson Ferry 788
Millstadt 17
Sparta 992