Statistics & Research about Moweaqua,IL - Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Moweaqua,IL an area served by Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

102 E MAIN
Phone : 217-768-4455

Real estate research for area nearby Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Ricks 81,600 682 10.0
Pana 75,000 522 8.4
Ohlman 50000 NA NA
Todds Point 85,600 333 4.7
Lanesville 202,800 903 5.3
Niantic 104,100 1019 11.7
Lowe 85,200 689 9.7
Oreana 98,000 592 7.2
Jeisyville 67,900 833 14.7
North Okaw 99100 NA NA

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Ricks 6
Pana 253
Ohlman 10
Todds Point 12
Niantic 6
Lowe 32
Oreana 17
Jeisyville 9
North Okaw 13
Harristown 28
Marrowbone 40
Long Creek 259
Herrick 16
South Fork 92

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Ricks 67
Pana 334
Ohlman 9
Todds Point 28
Niantic 80
Lowe 84
Oreana 55
Jeisyville 13
North Okaw 74
Harristown 95
Marrowbone 88
Long Creek 721
Herrick 60
South Fork 77

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Ricks 303
Pana 1479
Ohlman 19
Todds Point 179
Lanesville 34
Niantic 210
Lowe 355
Oreana 270
Jeisyville 35
North Okaw 187
Harristown 411
Marrowbone 451
Long Creek 2602
Herrick 160
South Fork 560

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Central Illinois Agents Group Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Ricks 188800
Pana 151800
Lowe 153400
Oreana 168800
North Okaw 590900
Harristown 171900
Marrowbone 147500
Long Creek 237100
Herrick 134400
South Fork 141300