Statistics & Research about Carmi,IL - Burnett Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Carmi,IL an area served by Burnett Insurance Agency

Phone : 618-382-3298

Car dealers nearby Burnett Insurance Agency

Rice Motor Company

Rice Motor Company, 1306 W. Main St., Carmi, IL 62821
Phone: (618) 380-4953

Real estate research for area nearby Burnett Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Indian Creek 67,600 392 7.0
McLeansboro 67,000 449 8.0
White County 67,700 470 8.3
Long Branch 117200 NA NA
Springerton 26300 NA NA
Massilon 77800 NA NA
Lamard 77,300 503 7.8
Orel 76,600 574 9.0
Gold Hill 57,300 354 7.4
Saline County 71,700 593 9.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Burnett Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Indian Creek 367
McLeansboro 911
White County 2672
Long Branch 6
Springerton 29
Massilon 19
Lamard 258
Orel 232
Gold Hill 296
Saline County 4518
Parkers Settlement 49
Muddy 6
French Creek 151
Hawthorne 44
Albion No. 2 88

Number of whites in places near by Burnett Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Indian Creek 2194
McLeansboro 3735
White County 14434
Long Branch 235
Springerton 94
Massilon 104
Lamard 1594
Orel 1648
Gold Hill 1617
Saline County 23288
Parkers Settlement 727
Muddy 31
French Creek 847
Hawthorne 263
Albion No. 2 680

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Burnett Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Indian Creek 85900
McLeansboro 57000
White County 81000
Long Branch 190300
Springerton 9999
Lamard 85000
Orel 85000
Gold Hill 71200
Saline County 86000
Parkers Settlement 87600
French Creek 68000
Hawthorne 147700
Albion No. 2 153900

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Burnett Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Indian Creek 57300
McLeansboro 161500
White County 73300
Long Branch 204200
Springerton 9999
Massilon 75000
Lamard 42500
Orel 82900
Gold Hill 47500
Saline County 88400
Parkers Settlement 115000
French Creek 66700
Hawthorne 84200
Albion No. 2 21400