Statistics & Research about Bunker Hill,IL - Bret Dixon Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Bunker Hill,IL an area served by Bret Dixon Insurance Agency

Phone : 618-585-4622

Real estate research for area nearby Bret Dixon Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wood River 93,000 718 9.3
Glen Echo Park 99700 NA NA
Godfrey 141,700 748 6.3
Jarvis 183,700 761 5.0
Madison 50,900 772 18.2
Grantfork 113,900 1083 11.4
Omphghent 156,700 588 4.5
Granite City 83,600 630 9.0
South Roxana 67,700 733 13.0
Fairview Heights 135,200 978 8.7

Number of old houses in places near by Bret Dixon Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Wood River 79600
Glen Echo Park 116700
Godfrey 120000
Jarvis 98300
Madison 34300
Grantfork 107300
Omphghent 101900
Granite City 66300
South Roxana 71300
Fairview Heights 95300
Pierron 79600
Venice 34000
Bunker Hill 91200
Norwood 71000

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Bret Dixon Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Wood River 1230
Godfrey 346
Jarvis 245
Madison 405
Grantfork 3
Omphghent 53
Granite City 1589
South Roxana 29
Fairview Heights 465
Pierron 15
Venice 455
Bunker Hill 66
Norwood 2188
Lake Ka-Ho 15

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Bret Dixon Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Wood River 1580
Glen Echo Park 28
Godfrey 1528
Jarvis 1121
Madison 163
Grantfork 22
Omphghent 193
Granite City 1299
South Roxana 71
Fairview Heights 1278
Pierron 19
Venice 223
Bunker Hill 184
Norwood 1162
Lake Ka-Ho 4

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Bret Dixon Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Wood River 164300
Godfrey 194400
Jarvis 192000
Madison 79200
Grantfork 202300
Omphghent 215000
Granite City 156100
South Roxana 72500
Fairview Heights 182000
Pierron 57500
Venice 74200
Bunker Hill 270800
Norwood 77800
Lake Ka-Ho 60000