Statistics & Research about Carlinville,IL - Brandow Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Carlinville,IL an area served by Brandow Agency Inc

227 E 1St South Street

Real estate research for area nearby Brandow Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
South Palmyra 80,300 456 6.8
Rockbridge 69,200 618 10.7
Mount Clare 76,400 725 11.4
Greene County 73,300 595 9.7
Staunton 110,400 609 6.6
Athensville 76,700 711 11.1
Taylor Springs 70,300 546 9.3
Scottville 103000 NA NA
Polk 155800 NA NA
Rountree 122800 NA NA

Number of whites in places near by Brandow Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
South Palmyra 986
Rockbridge 2020
Mount Clare 309
Greene County 13196
Staunton 5738
Athensville 249
Taylor Springs 582
Scottville 319
Polk 639
Rountree 150
Gillespie 3831
Coffeen 455
North Otter 808
Pawnee 2968
Pitman 461

Number of old houses in places near by Brandow Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
South Palmyra 57300
Rockbridge 69000
Mount Clare 66800
Greene County 68100
Staunton 87300
Athensville 113800
Taylor Springs 65000
Scottville 106300
Polk 152700
Rountree 550000
Gillespie 74700
Coffeen 44100
North Otter 216100
Pawnee 95200
Pitman 104400

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Brandow Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
South Palmyra 125
Rockbridge 313
Mount Clare 71
Greene County 2104
Staunton 1000
Athensville 25
Taylor Springs 99
Scottville 35
Polk 132
Rountree 14
Gillespie 714
Coffeen 110
North Otter 134
Pawnee 340
Pitman 42