Statistics & Research about Eldorado,IL - Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Eldorado,IL an area served by Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc

1501 U S Route 45 South

Real estate research for area nearby Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Enfield 49,800 701 16.9
Stonefort 83,300 678 9.8
Raleigh 68,900 450 7.8
Crook 109900 NA NA
Independence 112,200 616 6.6
Johnston City 54,600 531 11.7
Hamilton County 75,100 456 7.3
Shawnee 38400 NA NA
Uniontown 56,100 681 14.6
Eddyville 60,600 355 7.0

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Enfield 111
Stonefort 144
Raleigh 213
Crook 84
Independence 116
Johnston City 803
Hamilton County 1638
Shawnee 56
Uniontown 135
Eddyville 29
Union County 2032
Eastern 120
Emma 119
Carrsville 17
Whiteash 42

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Enfield 87
Stonefort 32
Raleigh 46
Crook 17
Independence 36
Johnston City 73
Hamilton County 369
Shawnee 33
Uniontown 52
Eddyville 9
Union County 836
Eastern 31
Emma 11
Carrsville 9
Whiteash 4

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Stonefort 3
Raleigh 6
Hamilton County 31
Uniontown 5
Union County 94
Eastern 4
Carrsville 1
Whiteash 7

Number of blacks in places near by Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Independence 13
Johnston City 1
Hamilton County 32
Uniontown 72
Union County 1845